Trending Summer Gift Set


An elegant gift box filled with lush, richly coloured flowers. Expect cerise, reds, fiery orange, pops of blue or yellow plus dried flowers or foliage for texture. A bit like a vibrant summer sunset. And in case that wasn't enough they'll also get a With Love full sized greetings card, and a box of scrummy gourmet chocolates.

It's a one off because this bouquet is made using the freshest flowers available on the day, it won't look exactly like the pictures here (but it'll be just as beautiful!)

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100% Secure Shopping. All information submitted is encrypted to ensure information is secure.

  Delivery policy

We ensure all flowers and gifts are packed securely, we are 100% contactless, no signature required

  Satisfaction Guaranteed

If you're not happy with your flowers or gifts then get in touch and we will ensure it's put right!


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